.Monday 20 OctoberTravel to Lucca for a demonstration (confirmed) of their full circle ringing system. Lunch with the local ringers (not included).
Tuesday 21 OctoberTravel to the Modena area for demonstration of Bolognesi full circle ringing system. Lunch with locals (not included) Travel up to the Verona area. Ringing at Piovezzano and Pastrengo (acclimatisation for those new to ringing in Italy). On to our hotel in Torri del Benaco for dinner.
Wednesday 22 October - Friday 24 October. Rnging at the Veronese towers in the the local area or in other adjacent Dioceses**. Dinner at our hotel in Torri del Benaco.
Saturday 25 OctoberTravel back through Switzerland. Continue through to France to our overnight stop in the Metz area. Dinner at our hotel.
Sunday 26 OctoberTravel to Dordrecht for a ring on both the 8 and 10 (confirmed). On to the Hook of Holland for our night ferry back to Harwich, arriving early Monday morning.
* Depending on parking availability. . ** On one of these days, there will be an opportunity to see and have hands on experience at a church in the Brescia or Bergamo area. This is the Ambrosian ringing system, which is full circle but heavily counterbalanced. All ringing on the Veronese bells will be organised by the Veronese Association, except Piovezzano and Pastrengo.
This itinerary is subject to confirmation but the major Italian ringing groups are keen to see us again, so it is anticipated that changes will be minor.