1. We are the guests of the various Italian Ringing Associations, so should be respectful of their traditions and heritage. Their hospitality and camaderie is amazing.
2. When ringing on Veronese System bells, the organiser will endeavour to allow all those who want to ring the opportunity, assuming a reasonable level of competence. Tower grabbing (and quarter peal and peal ringing) are not part of the culture, so occasionally not everyone will get a go. Ringing times are generally quite limited and it is likely that our ringing slot deprives the local ringers of a practice.
3. The organiser has spent 35 years developping a good relationship with local associations. The Veronese ringing opportunities will be mainly arranged by the President of the National Association (covering all Italy - equivalent of the Central Council but more fun!) and ex President of the Veronese Association - Eles Belfontali. Hopefully she will have dinner with us one evening at Torri del Benaco.
4. Motto of the tour - relax, enjoy the food and wine and go with the flow! Enjoy.